· ☕ 2 
tabs, code-tabs, expand, alert, warning, notice, img, box

Markdown Syntax Guide
Markdown Syntax Guide
· ☕ 3  · 🤖 Choi
Sample article showcasing basic Markdown syntax and formatting for HTML elements.

Rich Content
Rich Content
· ☕ 1  · 👺 Lee
A brief description of Hugo Shortcodes

Emoji Support
· ☕ 1  · 👻 Kim
Guide to emoji usage in Hugo

Viz support
Viz support
· ☕ 1 
A hack to put Graphviz on the web.

Wavedrom support
Wavedrom support
· ☕ 1 
WaveDrom is a Free and Open Source online digital timing diagram (waveform) rendering engine that uses javascript, HTML5 and SVG to convert a WaveJSON input text description into SVG vector graphics.

Chart support
Chart support
· ☕ 1 
Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers

Mermaid support
Mermaid support
· ☕ 1 
Generate diagrams, charts, graphs or flows from markdown-like text via javascript.

MathJax support
MathJax support
· ☕ 1 
A JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.No more setup for readers. It just works.

Katex support
Katex support
· ☕ 1 
KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web.

Flowchart support
Flowchart support
· ☕ 1 
flowchart.js is a flowchart DSL and SVG render that runs in the browser and terminal. Nodes and connections are defined in separately so that nodes can be reused and connections can be quickly changed.